Sunday, February 13, 2011

 The Dating Dilemmas

In the beginning of this millennium having a mobile phone was a status symbol, time changed and now days a part of the youth believes that having a girl friend or boy friend, going on dates is a status symbol. Has it really become a social norm, is it really necessary to go on a few dates before you get settled. But if it is so important why is it still done behind the backs of parents. Why such are programs are shown on television which prompts the youth to date, how many dates actually ends up in a marriage settlement, if its done for good than why is it believed to be a taboo?
I even know a girl who has an imaginary boyfriend, just to show off, stated Mahnoor Irfan a college student, and I believe that 50% college girls go on date and its just an infatuation and attraction for the time being, and such relation ships are just a flash in the pan, Mahnoor also believes that in the end it completely depends on the person itself, whether they want to have the experience of going on the date. Mahnoor also blames the media for brain washing the youth.
Having a girlfriend makes your head high among your group mates explained Hannan an MBA student at LUMS, Hannan clearly accepted the fact that going on dates and having a girlfriend is a status symbol he also said that there are still communities  who do not even talk about this but people from there circle are dating. He forwarded the thought that it is the need of society, our society has become so modernized that we can not move forward without our society, Dating culture is spreading vastly but it is still considered a taboo, one side we can not talk to the other gender according to our religion on the other hand you can not merge well in the society until unless you forget the differences between male and female. He accepted that for him as well for girls its just a time pass activity, though he believes that girls are more loyal than boys, where boys are having multiple relationships, girls like to be one man woman.
As if my daughter will take my permission before going on a date, answered when questioned if he would ever let her daughter go on a date, This dating extravaganza is the part of western culture, it was never the tiniest bit part of our society few years back, why should we even bother following this dating culture. It’s ok according to him if a girl working in office, go on dates, given the reason that girls working in offices are mature enough to understand what the future of a relation ship might be, they know every angle of the society well enough rather than teenage girls. He emphasized that parents should keep cordial relationship with their kids, or even siblings should have confidence over each other.

As long as you love your self that’s what really matters, Its not important to have a boyfriend and vice versa, many have lived long without having a boyfriend or girl friend, Have a relation ship with your self, because you know your self well. Still if you don’t want to have a relationship with your self who ever you choose, “Choose Wisely.”

1 comment:

  1. i agree with your each and every point. dating has become a culture or i must say we ourselves have promoted this western tradition 0n our land. its good to know each other well before getting wed but they might be committed and soon to be knotted, they can openly talk. whereas dating is completely matter of passing time.. no work at home or institution , Call your boy/girl have some fun :p ;)
