Friday, May 13, 2011


Narjis Wasim
Karachi,JUW:“Citizen Journalism does not have the charm of famous or televised journalism”, stated Ovais Ahmed Mangalwala, anchor and producer of Dawn Citizen Journalist, “but citizen journalism can be used where media gets wrong”. He further added that the trust factor is stronger when a mango person delivers or reports the news to his fellow people. During the interactive 1 hour lecture, that was arranged for the mass communication students, he explained the pro’s and cons of Citizen Journalism (though there are close to zero cons of citizens journalism), He told that events all around are waiting to be reported, journalists and reporters certainly can not reach or be at every event, it’s the citizen around whom all his happening, so the citizen should and must take up the tools and report the incident good or bad but newsworthy. He also threw light on the tactic a citizen journalist must follow before reporting something he said that,”be accurate, dead accurate, be sure your facts or statements have backing or proof. 
The anchor and producer announced the upcoming launch of Dawn’s new show tentatively titled ‘Meri Nazar’ (which is on the line of citizen journalist) for which he urged the attendees to send them picture and videos without adding up their own opinion and point of view about the rare incident they report, because it may show biasness and a good journalist should never be anything but biased but do make a point to show it to someone for their feedback.

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