A bolt from the blue for the students:
Karachi: “Miss Sabeen has not come today,” shouted a student in a class full of her class mates chafing at the bit waiting for their teacher. The news writing and reporting teacher did not come the university on Monday 21st Feb, for unknown reasons, which left the students flabbergasted when they got to know that for the “very first time their teacher was absent” on a regular day even when the situation of the city was stable. Some were glad to know so as a debating competition was taking place in the auditorium which they had to leave to attend her class and then were free to attend it where as some students were heard saying HAIN, WHAT?, YOU KIDDING ME, NO WAY etc.
Jinnah debating society under new wings
Karachi, Jinnah University for women: The presidency of the debating society of Jinnah University was recently handed over to Syeda Tooba Javed (Dept. of English III year), as the term of last president Tabassum Sajjad(EX student Dept. of Mass Comm.) reached its end.
The recently held Bilingual debate competition was completely her brainchild and was held under the super vision of the then would be and now president .Syeda Tooba Javed was given the post of president on the basis of active participation, performance that was always up to the mark in every event organized by the debating society, whether she had taken part as a debater/ orator or not, explained Miss Surraya Qamar in charge of the Jinnah debating society.
She also stated that Syeda Tooba Javed will prove out to a be better president than the previous one in the matters of administration as the previous president was way too much easy to convince on issues , where as Syeda Tooba Javed has much better professional perspectives and is very good when it comes to management. Miss Surayya Qamar is looking forward to the 23rd march debate to be arranged by the new captain of the ship, she also hopes that Tooba Javed will bring new and fresh blood in the debating society, and much more successful debating events.
No room for smokers?
Karachi: As smoking is strictly prohibited in the university(JUW) the male debaters who had taken part in the bilingual debating competition were inquisitive if they could by any chances hide anywhere and could puff some how. Most of the boys who smoked wanted to head towards the toilet with their group of peers as no one specially female proctors who were there only chaperone could enter the toilet, where the boys coffin-nailed the toilet. One of them was heard whispering to his friend “this place is hell for smokers” while heading towards the bathroom, told Hina Wasim (Dept. Bio Chem. IV year)
Where do we go then?
Students have got no proper place for sitting,
Narjis Wasim
Karachi, Feb 2 2011: The basket ball court where students are supposed to play and keep their selves fit are seen sitting idly there, some are trying to concentrate on studying, where as most of them are seen chatting or engrossed in their favorite invention of the century, their mobile phones. One of the main reasons of this number of people sitting here is that first of all the basket ball court can not be called a basket ball court from any angle as it is in shambles, there is no net in the basket used for games, and the other and the main reason is that there is no appropriate seating arrangement for the students in the university.
Students of mass communication with a lot of anger and irritation said that if not here then where should we go and relax, we cant sit at the corridors, we are not allowed to sit in our seminar library, the area of the Vice Chancellor’s office is quite airy and comfortable but now even there sitting is not allowed, We see a lot girls mostly drown in their phone calls, and once we also saw a group trying their hands at smoking. One of them said that “Majboori ka naam shukria hai” that’s why we sit here, and she told the same story as her friends told us.
A case of misquoting quotes / A case of misquoted quotes:
Karachi, Jinnah University for women February 22nd Feb 2011: The Channel edited the whole talk and only showed the part when I said that” It was my first time and I got nervous.” Complained Anum Haider (Micro biology II year) and said that only a certain part of her brief interview was telecasted on news channel named Samaa , which gave another angle to what she had actually said. She explained that when the reporter asked her to share her experience and asked her to tell about when she could not complete her speech and left the podium at the Bilingual debate competition, she actually had answered that “I was asked to give a complimentary speech just 5 minutes before I had to deliver it, I did not have the slightest idea about it in any corner of my brain, as It was my first time and I got nervous.”
Student Not Allowed. Says Who?
Roof area of pharmacy’s building is a no entrance area for students; Students are completely unaware of it.
Narjis Wasim
Jinnah University for Women, Karachi, Feb 2 2011: Groups of students chilling and relaxing, some making notes, some passing their time, some deeply busy on their cellular phones. Open wires of K.E.S.C and P.T.C.L. are lying over the surface without any proper wiring, heaps and heaps of garbage is just at the arm’s length, there are only few shades on the roof, in summers which can be quite a pain .But why are they sitting here not any where else? When they were asked this question, and also what do they want here? Any interesting scene that occurred over here, what types of students mostly come here, there answers are given below:
A student from bio chemistry department with utmost surety told us that once she saw, a college student slashing her wrist while sitting with her group of peers, and after attempting this she and her friends disappeared in thin air.
Another student very cheerfully said that we really like this place, we call it our “Adda”, some time we do play but mostly we come here to pass our time, Though its very hard to sit here in summer, and wires should be properly set up, When asked that is sitting allowed here, they very confidently said “yes it is”.
Party Place:
We have even celebrated each others birthday party here, a group of students of Pharmacy told us. As our department and lab is on the near by, we come here to sit and prepare notes, so in any case we are always remain near to our department. A student said that Asghar (Security Guard) must not be allowed to come here to get us out from this place, she stated that Asghar’s way of talking is completely un acceptable, he should adopt a milder way of talking, They also said that the heap of litter should be removed from here, and a shade should be provided for them to guard them selves from sun light, When asked if any one has ever forbade them to come here, they said it is an open place for every one.
Don’t Hide:
When we questioned Uzma Naz and Farah Naz, the maids of “the pharmacy department” they said that we have never gone up to the roof to bring back girls down, but we have asked them numerous time to sit in open places and not hide themselves from us up over there. When asked, then who is responsible for bringing them down, they both answered Asghar is.
Lack of Security Guards
When we raised the question to Asghar Ali Khan, the security in charge and gate in charge that why students sit on the roof top of pharmacy area even when they are not allowed there? He stated that one of the reasons is that the students do not have enough space for sitting. We get complains twice a month, that some one has thrown a bottle or some rubbish stuff, and the risks of some one trying to jump form there is very high, that’s why sitting there is not allowed, When asked that why no one goes up there to bring them down? He answered that the problem is that there are very few security guards, if we keep going there and ask them to come down who will guard the main gate?
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